When is Catalytic Health Partners available to help me?
We’re here for you 24/7/365. You can always contact us for help.
Do I have to pay to be in the program?
No, the program is provided at no cost to you by your health plan.
Will Catalytic Health Partners work around my busy schedule?
Yes, we work around your schedule as much as possible.
Do I have to change doctors/providers to work with Catalytic Health Partners?
No, we work alongside your choice of doctors and providers.
Why was I chosen for this service?
Your health plan strives to assist you to live a stronger, healthier life. They felt that you may benefit from this program.
Are there any other things I have to do to be in the program?
Yes, your success depends on your participation.
How long does the program last?
This program usually lasts for a year as we assist to meet your goals. At times members may need extra time and we may ask for support to be extended.
Do I have to be seen in my home?
No, we’re happy to meet with you where we both agree works best.
Will Catalytic Health Partners help my family as well as me?
We may assist others in your household as well, depending on the need and circumstances.
Is this available to all members of my health plan?
No, your health plan has many programs offered to different members, depending on their needs. This program is designed to meet your unique needs.
What if I decide that I don’t want to be part of the program?
Nothing happens if you decide not to take advantage of these free additional services.
If I move to another health plan will my support from Catalytic Health Partners continue?
We will need to check with your new health plan.
We're for real,
look us up.
To protect against fraud,
here’s what you should know:
We’re a credentialed provider with AHCCCS.
Give our NPI Number to your health plan or
call us and we can contact them together.
Our AHCCCS ID for CHP Care PC is 121867
Our NPI Number is 1821444894
You have rights
as members.
Among others rights detailed in your member consent and other documents, you have the right:
To be treated with dignity, respect, and consideration
Not to be subjected to abuse, neglect, exploitation, coercion, manipulation, sexual abuse, sexual assault, restraint or seclusion and will not be retaliated on for submitting a complaint to the Department or other entities
To consent or refuse treatment except in an emergency, may refuse or withdraw consent to treatment before treatment is initiated and is informed of alternatives to selected medication or surgical procedures and associated risks and possible complications of those medications or procedures
To be informed on CHP’s policy on filing a complaint, education on health care directives and consents to photography for identification and other media purposes
Not to be discriminated against based on race, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age disability, marital status, or diagnosis
To receive treatment that supports and respects the member’s individuality, choices, strengths, and abilities
To receive privacy in treatment and care for personal needs
To review, upon written request, the member’s own medical record according to A.R.S. 12-2293, 12-2294, and 12-2294.01
Provides written consent to the release of information in the medical record
To receive a referral to another health care institution if the outpatient treatment center is not authorized or not able to provide physical health services or behavioral health services needed by the member
To participate or have the member’s representative participate in the development of, or decisions concerning treatment
To participate or refuse to participate in research or experimental treatment
To receive assistance from a family member, the member’s representative, or other individual in understanding, protecting, or exercising the member’s rights